It’s been a while in the making but the new website is finally live and whilst not completely finished, it’s good enough to let visitors in!
The spur for all this was the fact that more and more of our visitors were coming from mobile devices but the old site simply wasn’t configured to make it easy to read. In fact it turned out that the old layout was presenting a font too small to read on most phones which a number of our readers were struggling with.
There were other issues as well such as the galleries not working so the decision was made at the turn of the year to completely rebuild the site.
And this is it!

The new website has an all new blog section which appears at the top of the home page and sections for the stamps and covers that we have for sale immediately below that on the home page.
The Galleries have been updated and you can now see large images of pretty much all of the stamps that have been issued by Barbados, sorted and presented by Stanley Gibbons catalogue number. Click on any image and it will give you a blow up so you can see all the detail in each stamp.
During the move it became apparent that we were going to lose large chunks of the old gallery and the worst affected was the Queen Victoria gallery where we lost over 50% of the old images. We are slowly adding replacements on so please bear with us as we do this. As many of them as we can are being scanned at 600dpi to give you a nice clear image to work with.
The shop has been updated as well and features a lot of new stock as well as some other Commonwealth stamps for sale. As always, if you don’t see the stamps you want then feel free to send us a message as we have a lot of stock not yet on the website but sitting in stockbooks.
Finally, we have some more ideas for other parts of the website that we’d like to add on including;
- Barbados Cinderella stamps
- Parish Bootheel Postmarks
- Modern Barbados Postmarks
- Barbados Slogan Postmarks
If there’s any part of Barbados philately that you’d like to see featured on the website as a reference then please let us know and we will see what we can do.
As we said before, the site is still a ‘work in progress’ and there’s lots still to do (such as adding the SG numbers to the 2000-2009 gallery!) so bear with us, but if you do spot anything missing that you think should be there, let us know.
And finally, enjoy the website 🙂