It’s been some time since I updated the image galleries; in fact, it was on the to-do list since we moved to this new style of website over a year ago. Sadly, the day job got in the way so we’ve been struggling to find time to do this.

In the move to the new site, a number of images went astray and it was only recently pointed out to us that a lot of the De La Rue Britannia’s were absent.
Thankfully, this is now remedied. The new galleries have every stamp that we can find an image for, mint or used (preferably mint as you can see the ‘true’ colours of the stamp) so you can assess your own stamps against these as a benchmark. We’ve also added some blocks which are great for colour comparison.
Please bear in mind that what we are posting is only a guide and whilst we go to a lot of effort to colour correct the images, some of them may be different to the stamps you have.
If you go into the gallery then you can click on any stamp and it will give you a supersized image. These images are great as they can help you identify the differences between pin perfs and rough perfs as an example.
We’ve also been able to include the Victorian Keyplate issues which, whilst not difficult to find, can be tricky to identify by shade.
If you can see any obvious errors or omissions please let us know and we’ll correct them ASAP. Likewise, if you have a high-resolution scan of a stamp we are missing then please send it in and we will add it to the gallery.
The principal aim of this website has always been to provide a resource for collectors of Barbados stamps so the more we can add to the site the better.